Sunday, March 23, 2008

Radiopoppers ready to ship!

I'm getting on the list today for these - revolutionary wireless flash systems!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Unkey Chris

...Speaking of brand new, my niece just arrived last night. She is happy and healthy!
Welcome Ava Elizabeth Hagey.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Brand New Shiny Website

Ok so lots of photos to add still but it's up!!!!
My new web site is here.

Holga Time

I can't wait for this snow to end so I can start taking pictures (well more pictures) again.
It's not tat snow isn't a good subject, just that everything gets cold, batteries fail, fingers freeze, etc.
Spring seems like a good time to get back into the toy camera thing i started last year -

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Strobists unite!

I've been digging on this blog by David Hobby for a few years now - All about the DIY aesthetic and great lighting that is cheap and easily transported... great tutorials, tips, etc.
check him out:

Sunday, January 6, 2008


A shot fom my Mom's Sony point & shoot - Christmas, 2007

In search of a name...

I've discovered it is fairly impossible to find a decent .URL with a name like 'Chris Moore'.

I'm in the process of developing a new website with the assistance of my very talented coworker Rasheid Atlas (who has the coolest name out there BTW), check out his other work:

On the naming tip, my wife and I are still on the hunt for the perfect name for our forthcoming first child. Of course the geek in me has to check each one against a URL to make sure that our decision is somewhat informed by the chance that he/she may be able to still score "" - Don't worry, Gertrude is not one we're going for.

Here's what I've determined - If you've got a last name like "Moore" , you're going to have to get creative.
Additonally, if you have the good fortune to have a fellow like-namer that has done something notable then you are doublly-screwed.
Case-in-point - me.
Famous British funny-author Christopher Moore of course has all the first picks.
Then a host of other not-as-notable Chris Moore's (illustrators, photographers, etc) have snatched up anything remotely useable.

Thanks guys.
Where is the love?

It's looking bleak for me at this point & I may have to resort to hyphens, umlauts & other such easily-mistyped, misguided web wayfinding tactics. unfair.

I do know this - As any good parent would, I will do my best to secure a decent name (and decent URL) for my future offspring. Something no one else can ever touch....

Xzasderthingerstdathl Moore - Say hi to the world ;)